Things are at a standstill currently with some of the lesser projects for the moment as I shift major amounts of attention to the two projects that have the most and strongest ideas; my novel The Mousepaw Chronicles which is currently in the editing process and Whisper in the Gears, a novella/graphic novel series geared towards steampunk. It's going to be interesting to see how far I can take each of these.
The Mousepaw Chronicles is big, at least it's promising to be big, I have no idea how the plot will break down, but the first book alone is standing at just under 69k words...and I'm not even finished with the first chapter yet! But the pressure is on, I may be getting my summer vacation in a few weeks, I'm leaving it at my boss' disposal to decide when since last winter turned into quite the debacle. Since I rarely plan anything for vacations anyway, I'm not entirely worried. The only plans I've made thus far is to get my rear in the market for an agent willing to take this particular book on.
Whisper in the Gears also promises to be big, multiple books at roughly 20k apiece, the graphic version should follow in example, I would love to see this one go to print! As it is, I already have a lot of friends who say that my art may be good enough, but that remains to be seen. I might be tempted to even go so far as to ink, but I deal with so much uncertainty in my own skills, I may wait and see how my pencils turn out. I may have to wait to finish the pencils for the graphic novel and see if I can get the novellas published first to earn the money to pay for a pro to finish it. It may also turn out that my inking wouldn't be that bad, but I'm not at all skilled with digital coloring, which is the big thing these days.
With previous endevours I've learned a few things about digital coloring. Namely I'm about as slow as a tortoise, I'm far to picky as to what looks good and me and deadlines do not get along. At all. On the bright side, I'm learning the ins and outs of technology, so hopefully someday I'm going to get all of my comics ideas finished, polished and on the internet for the world to enjoy.
Now if I can get this dumb sense of procrastination out of my life, I'll be fine...
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