I'm a native Iowan, born in Des Moines January 1973. I was adopted shortly afterwards by my parents and two years later became a big sister. I've lived in Iowa (2 years), Texas (2 years) Tennesee (12 years) and wound up growing roots in Iowa (again...since 1987). In 1988, I was lucky to meet my future (and current) husband, Robert. We married in 1995 and there isn't anyone I'd rather be with. While I don't have any children myself, I can't say I don't love them. I am the proud aunt of four boys and one girl, ranging in ages from toddlers to teenagers.
While my hobbies can vary, I remain true to the big three in my life; writing, art and costuming.
I've been inventing stories since grade school and I was notorious for reading fairy tales in bed long after my bedtime. In my later years, I still lean towards fantasy and science fiction, but also embrace horror from time to time and will often inject my own brand of humor into much of my writing.
Art became an indulgence for me, taking lessons with my sister while we were in grade school. In high school, I was the kid doodling in the margins of her homework when she should have been paying attention. Irony would have it that I nearly flunked the art class due to my apparent inability in abstract art. In college, although I did go in on a theater major, I somehow managed to become an honorary fantasy artist for the Fellowship of the Tower Gaming Society and designed the flyers advertising their events.
As for costuming, I learned to sew as soon as I could hold a needle. Granted, it was a plastic needle, but there aren't many safe alternatives. By the time I was eight, I was learning cross-stitch and making pillows with my toy sewing machine and studying my stuffed animals to see how they were assembled (no stuffed animals were butchered in the process). When I was fourteen, I made my first costume article and I've been improving my techniques ever since. By a sheer stroke of luck, I wound up working in a costume shop where most of my sewing and costuming skills can be utilized.